Repairing and Restoring Our Constitutional Republic
Becoming One Indivisible Nation in the Era of Divisiveness
It Depends on YOU!
Highlights of the Problem
Most Americans believe our government is on the wrong track, is broken, and is not capable of solving our major problems. Career self-interest, loyalty to party over country, and catering to the interests of major donors have led to divisive and dysfunctional government no matter which party is in control. Our national leaders have for too long made the rules for how we are governed for the benefit of their careers and re-election, primarily serving partisan and donor interests instead of serving the country.
The Major Causes
Our Constitution is a marvelous document. But, it is essentially a “structure” document. It defines the structure of this new government, the first in the history of the world founded on the principles of liberty and rights for individual citizens, and to govern only with the consent of the governed. But the Constitution did not define “HOW” this new government should operate. It left the definition of the “rules” for how to legislate and govern to the House and Senate members. Over the past several decades, these rules have been made to serve the interests of incumbent Congress members and their parties to sustain power.
The Solution
American Turning Point will present fact-based, unbiased and non-partisan actions that "We the People" can take to minimize the impacts of career self-interest, partisanship and major donors and restore a service-to-country culture in Congress and the Administration. The book defines 16 “Citizen Rules” for how “We the People” prefer to be governed, that would replace many of the rules made by incumbent members of Congress and add some they would never enact on their own. These “Citizen Rules” would be incorporated into the Constitution via 6 Amendments, which together are called “The Bill of Public Service and Accountability”. These elements and the roadmap for implementing the changes by approving and ratifying the Amendments are described in detail in the book.
What People Are Saying
"This is a book full of brilliant ideas for change that could form the basis of addressing some of the big challenges for the United States in this turbulent century.”
Admiral James Stavridis, former Supreme Allied Commander, NATO and former Dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University.
“Bob Viney’s American Turning Point: Repairing and Restoring our Constitutional Republic delivers a passionate, deeply informed and researched examination of the root causes of the nation’s polarization and its failure to better meet the needs of all the people.”
John E. Pepper, Jr., former CEO and Chairman of the Procter & Gamble Company, and former Chairman of the Board of the Walt Disney Company.
“Bob Viney has done an exceptional job of identifying the many obstacles that inhibit the ability of our democracy to function as it should and has proposed significant changes that are needed.”
William V. Muse is President Emeritus of the National Issues Forums Institute, and former President of the University of Akron and Auburn University.